What’s my horoscope for today? March 10, 2025 astrological predictions for your star sign

Not everything needs to be controlled, fixed, or figured out right away – sometimes, stepping back brings the clarity you need.
Libra, loosen your grip and remember why you started. Scorpio, standing your ground doesn’t mean shutting people out.
Aries, a little laughter might be the reset button you’ve been looking for. Pisces, if something feels off, trust that instinct – it’s there for a reason.
Ahead, you’ll find all the star signs’ horoscopes for today Monday 10, March 2025.
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March 21 to April 20
Seeing the amusing side of a situation can bring relief, enabling you to feel better about something that may have taken up too much of your time and attention. This doesn’t mean you won’t take it seriously, just that a lighter perspective might help not to feel so anxious about it. Need something to keep you going? A small indulgence today could help you to unwind.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21
Blocked from moving in one direction? Your resolve to make progress in another is admirable. As the Moon links with Pluto, you’ll be ready to find closure on an issue that needs to be sorted out. It may mean letting go of something you’re attached to, which won’t be easy. You know why it’s necessary, and this knowledge can fuel your desire to make it happen much sooner.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21
The cosmos is nudging you to loosen your grip on the need to be right. You’re quick-witted and love a good debate, but real growth happens when you truly listen. Someone’s perspective may challenge you, but instead of doubling down, try leaning in. You don’t have to agree but understanding where they’re coming from could shift your own thinking in surprising ways.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23
Your cash flow may be a tad erratic, but this won’t stop you making the most of an opportunity that involves teaming up with others. The focused Moon/Pluto aspect suggests that many heads are better than one, especially if some of them belong to people who have experience and influence. Putting your combined efforts into getting results can take things to the next level.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23
Joint financial matters may be very much on your mind, and yet with some serious thought you seem to have made progress in this regard and might already feel better. Still, an intense tie suggests that when it comes to the emotional side of your relationship, there could be a conflict to resolve. Perhaps the balance of power is out of kilter and it’s time to reset your boundaries.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23
It’s no good hoping that others will follow your lead, the major focus on relationships puts the ball firmly in their court. If you want to have an impact, then you’ll need to treat them as equals and be ready to listen and liaise. There’s one thing that could swing things your way, and that is a touch of flattery. While some may be immune, others will easily succumb to your words.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23
Trying to make everything too perfect? You need to step back and see the bigger picture Libra, otherwise you’ll lose sight of what you’re trying to accomplish. What motivated you to start this in the first place? If you keep this in mind, you’ll find it easier to navigate the road ahead. Plus, if you can let go just a little and get out of your own way, everything will work much better.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22
Could it be time to set boundaries and be firmer in your interactions with family and relatives? If they’ve been taking liberties, it certainly is. Key relationships may need careful handling today, but you’ll manage using tact and diplomacy. With emotions intensified by deep Pluto, there may be some potent but worthwhile conversations ahead that could help change the family dynamic.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21
Determined energies in your sector of communication can find you making the first move regarding a budding friendship, or to discuss a creative project. You have an opportunity to take advantage of key influences to move things along. Ready to cement a romantic bond? If you’re going on a date, try to relax and go with the flow. If you seem too keen, they may back off.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21
A potent blend of energies can find you forging ahead with a plan that could increase your income. To take full advantage of it, don’t let the same old doubts prevent you from moving forward. Allow them to drift away and zero in on what you can accomplish and how good you’ll feel. There’s so much to be gained from taking a leap of faith and going for it while you can.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19
Not earning as much as you think you should? It may be time to do something to increase your income. This might involve a change of scene, getting a new job or perhaps starting a side-hustle. With Saturn in your money zone, you can be acutely aware that you deserve more. Now is the time to act on your instinct and tap into your true power, then you’ll get results.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20
There can be risks to getting involved in any relationship, which you’re likely aware of, Pisces. In this instance, it may help to trust your sixth sense and any feelings you have rather than brush them to one side. As potent as this bond might seem, it could also be demanding. Be sure you want to make this kind of commitment to another before it’s too late for you to back out of it.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
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