The hidden meaning behind shoppers’ ‘all-time favourite’ chocolate bar logo

Posted by. Posted onFebruary 15, 2025 Comments0
People are just realising the hidden meaning behind iconic chocolate bar
Any guesses for which chocolate this is?(Picture: Enjoynz)

When it comes to sweet treats, we tend to impatiently tear off the packaging to take that first heavenly bite.

If you’re partial to a Twix though, you might want to pause a moment to admire the wrapper and its logo.

In fact, fans of the chocolate bar are just now beginning to realise there’s a double meaning hidden in the bar’s design.

Looking at the word Twix, you’ll see two lines in the dot above the letter ‘i’ which countless shoppers have assumed is meant to be just a pause button.

It’s a natural assumption to make given the brand’s 2011 ‘pause like you mean it’ slogan which appeared in its advertisements.

For example, one add showed a policeman getting into his police car and pressing a pause button on the dashboard, which summons two Twix bars for him and his colleague. The radio announces ‘pause in progress’ as they indulge in the cookie caramel chocolate treat.

But the two lines in the ‘i’ are not actually meant to be just a pause button.

The confectionery company revealed that it’s actually meant to be two Twix bars.

Be honest, did you know? (Picture: X/Getty)

X user Dylan McoCollum wrote: ‘I just realised these are two Twix bars ― I thought it was a pause button.’

Addressing the tweet, Twix followed up with a response on its Facebook page confirming the news.

It wrote, ‘Or maybe it’s both,’ before adding, ‘Raise your hand if you were today years old when you learned this is BOTH a pause button and two Twix bars.’

The two chocolate bars only appeared in the ‘i’ in 2010, prior to that it had just been a plain red circle, since it’s launch in the UK in 1967.

The chocolate treat has a loyal fan base with one Twix lover writing on Reddit: ‘I love Twix candy bars, they’re up there with M&Ms as my favorite candy of all time.’

When one Redditor said they didn’t like the iconic chocolate bar, another replied: ‘I’m gobsmacked. You monster.’

West Bangal, India - May 20, 2023 : Twix chocolate photos shot on different background.; Shutterstock ID 2322014567; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: - 13650009
The chocolate bar with the pause button/chocolate bars over the ‘i’ (Picture: Shutterstock / sdx15)

Others online were also intrigued to know what Twix stands for?

Twitter user Fooji put the question directly to the company: ‘I read that ‘Twix’ is short for ‘twin biscuit sticks’. Can you confirm or deny this?’

Twix, owned by parent company Mars, responded saying it was actually ‘short for ‘twin sticks’.

Others were shocked to realise it was an abbreviation of the two words.

One person said: ‘You think you know everything, and then…’ while another wrote: ‘Ashamed that at 40 years old, this had not occurred to me.’

What else are we missing out on?

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