Cadbury chocolate bar branded ‘vile’ by shoppers hits UK stores

While Brits rejoiced at the Tim Tam’s arrival from Australia, this Cadbury product from its neighbour New Zealand hasn’t been met with the same.
The Perky Nana is a Kiwi classic, but is rarely available on UK shores.
Now though, the banana-flavoured chocolate bar has been spotted in B&M — and it’s already proving divisive.
Facebook group Dansway Gifts and Bargains UK shared a photo of the find, which features a banana ‘chew’ centre coated in chocolate and is priced at £1 each.
The post – captioned ‘they’re back’ – has racked up over 1,000 comments and hundreds of shares over the past week, with many claiming they’d never heard of the Cadbury confection.
But one that had, Ren Benson, commented: ‘Rank! Really strong artificial banana taste (neon yellow inside) and the Cadbury’s tastes weird and sicky.’
‘I tried one and didn’t like it,’ added Yvonne Bailey. ‘It was very very sweet and chewy.’
A picture showing the Perky Nana’s gloopy filling made a bad first impression on some too.
‘Just the thought of this makes me gag,’ wrote Mary Kingshott, while Natalie Smith branded it ‘mingin’ and ‘vile’.
Others were more forgiving, with Stephen Patton writing: ‘Love them, I buy 10 at a time, chewy banana filling!’
Another, Leah Newell, replied: ‘These are lush I love them. They are like foam bananas but more softer in a chocolate coating!’
One fervent Perky Nana fan right here at Metro, deputy editor Claie Wilson, was keen to defend the treat.
‘I don’t know what all the fuss is about,’ she said. ‘It’s delicious. Chewy banana covered in chocolate, what’s not to like?’
Claie claimed the closest British equivalent would be the 80s favourite Texan bar – only without the banana flavour.
She added: ‘After years of having Perky Nanas posted to us from relatives in NZ, I’m just so glad you can buy them here now. I’m going to keep my fingers crossed that Pineapple Lumps (which are the same concept but even nicer) make their way to the UK too.’
Another international Cadbury import which proved controversial was the Pink Lemonade Dairy Milk, which landed in B&M after originally being launched in the US.
Although some branded it ‘strange’ and ‘vile’, one commenter proclaimed: ‘This looks sensational!’
It seems that wherever in the world you are, one man’s yuck is another man’s yum.
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