McDonald’s fans find rare ‘discontinued menu item’ in UK supermarket

Posted by. Posted onMarch 5, 2025 Comments0
McDonald's famous yellow 'M' sign.
Shoppers think they’ve found a legendary McDonald’s item in a supermarket (Picture: Getty Images)

For almost a decade, McDonald’s fans begged and pleaded with the fast food chain for one thing: The McRib.

Their prayers were answered in October 2024, when Maccies announced they were finally bringing the cult burger back to the UK menu, but for a limited time only.

It’s since been axed once more and no one knows if or when it will be back again. But there is some good news for those who are missing the pork burger.

That’s because a customer at a UK supermarket believes they’ve found packs of McRib patties on sale there, meaning you can have a go at making your own sandwich at home – just add a bun, barbecue sauce, pickles and onions.

The rare item was found in Company Shop, a little-known retailer which sells surplus stock from other stores and big brands at low prices to help prevent waste.

There are 13 Company Shop locations across the UK and stock at each of them changes daily, depending on what they receive from suppliers.

As well as products from M&S, Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Asda, and Morrisons, you might find Cadbury, Mr Kipling, Walkers, Doritos, and more on the shelves. But it’s the freezer section where you can find the retailer’s best-kept secret – items from your favourite fast food restaurants.

‘We often get surplus food in from some of the big fast food chains,’ a Company Shop employee told Metro. ‘We’ve had stuff from McDonald’s, KFC, and Greggs.

The catch is that all of the food is repackaged and sold unbranded, so unless you were familiar with a certain item, you might not realise what exactly you were buying as it won’t say where it’s from on the label.

The McRib from McDonald's on top of french fries
The McRib gained cult status (Picture: PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images)

Metro visited the Company Shop Southampton store in November 2024, and found packs of Festive Bakes being sold for £1.50 (for four), and hot cross bun pies were £3 for 1.45kg. You might recall this sweet treat was on the Maccies menu last year, and proved somewhat controversial at the time.

Most recently social media users claim to have found McRib patties in one of the stores. Food blogger @uknewestfoods shared a look at the find on Instagram.

The clip shows 10 frozen pork patties, each with those iconic rib ‘ridges’, being sold in a 1kg pack for £2.50.

There’s no McDonald’s branding anywhere to be seen, though the sign above the freezer refers to the products as ‘legendary rib patties’.

Though it hasn’t been confirmed that they are authentic, it would make sense that there might be some surplus stock of the burgers, as their triumphant return was met with backlash from diehard McRib fans.

Customers complained there wasn’t enough sauce on the burgers and they were ‘dry’ and ‘ruined’ as a result.

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It wasn’t revealed which Company Shop location the patties are being sold at, so those keen to get their hands on them might have to do a bit of searching if they want to try them.

However, not everyone will be able to go and have a look, as you have to have a membership.

In order to get one you’ll have to meet certain criteria – memberships are available if you work in sectors such as the police, fire brigade, British Armed Forces, the NHS, care services, private hospitals, support services, and FMCG, as well as those employed by registered charities.

You can also apply if you receive means-tested benefits, such as Universal Credit, or Housing Benefits.

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