Why 2025 is a ‘9 year’ in numerology — and what that means for you

If you’ve heard people on TikTok talking about how 2025 is a ‘9 year’, you’re probably wondering what it all means.
Well, it’s all down to numerology: if you add up the digits of 2+0+2+5, you get 9.
This has special properties and meaning in the numerological system, like all numbers and letters do.
And since it could spell an exciting time ahead, it’s worth knowing what you can expect.
What is numerology?
Numerology is an ancient metaphysical science(ish) going back thousands of years that attributes meaning, purpose, traits and destiny outcomes to numbers and letters.
Numerologists believe that everything in the Universe vibrates at a sub-atomic level, and is therefore in constant flux and motion, with its own vibrational frequency. According to their theory, it is this which creates the appearance of matter, dictates its density, form and how it behaves around gravity. And numbers (and letters) are included.

Numerologists propose that every number has its own vibration which contributes an influence on the world, and that key personal information like your name and birth date therefore have a unique vibration that can explain your traits, strengths and probable life path, or destiny.
It also applies to years (and months). The basic rule of thumb is to add up all of the numbers and reduce down to a digit between 1 and 9.
So, what is a 9 year all about?
As the final number of the system, it represents transformation, completion, and endings. A cycle has run its course, and a conclusion is being reached. This is a year to complete your life cycle stories and begin to activate the next and new chapters.
You might also seek to process and heal from events or wounds – or illnesses even – that have plagued you in the previous decade. Draw a line in the sand as best you can.
In the tarot, the number 9 is linked to The Hermit card. This is a card of solitude (which means inner fulfilment) and reflection, both tasks of a 9 year.
Seek enlightenment about your pathway through life so far, the wisdom you’ve gleaned from hardship, the self awareness you’ve built through challenge, the values you’ve created through life experience.
Other activities that are perfectly aligned with a 9 year include:
- Forgiving folk for past wrongs.
- Moving on in your career or job.
- Setting new boundaries.
- Severing toxic connections and relationships.
- Moving house or location.
- End bad habits or unhealthy patterns.
- Celebrate past achievements and seek ways to build on successes.
- Donate to charity, give your time and resources to a good cause.
- Rethink long-term goals and ambitions. Set a new life purpose.
- Open your mind to living spiritually, to following intuition, to exploring your ESP.
Embrace the power of 9, so you’re ready to start 2026 with a fresh new outlook.
Kerry King has been reading, teaching and creating tarot for 30 years. Join her magical, exclusive Tarot Club for forecasts, predictions, lessons and readings straight to your inbox. Enjoy one month free for all Metro readers (no lock-in or commitment) over on Patreon.
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