Morrisons shoppers divided over £7.50 loaded chocolate that’s ‘ruined’ by one ingredient

There’s no denying that some of the best chocolate you can buy is available during ‘holiday’ seasons, like Christmas or Valentine’s.
And while it might only be Februarythe supermarkets are already gearing up for Easter – with everything from £14 eggs shaped like croissants, to new Terry’s Chocolate Orange gooey eggs cropping up in the shops.
But there’s one new product that’s thoroughly dividing shoppers, as some think the chocolate creation is ‘amazing’, while others aren’t so sure about it, due to one particular ingredient.
We’re talking about a new Easter egg from Morrisons – the Best Loaded Milk Chocolate Half Egg – which is half a chocolate egg shell, filled with caramel, puffed rice, raisins, honeycomb, flaked milk chocolate and marshmallows. If that doesn’t sound decadent enough, the whole thing is topped with dark chocolate and three solid mini chocolate eggs.

A snap of the treat was posted by food blogger @newfoodsuk on Instagram and in the Snack Reviews group on Facebook, where shoppers couldn’t get over the fact the £7.50 egg would have been ‘perfect’ without raisins in it.
‘I was gonna buy this… until I saw raisins,’ commented @johmns_snackreviews, and @saz_jade agreed: ‘Why ruin such an amazing idea!’
Similarly, @georgiawragg__ wrote: ‘Was amazing until I read what it was filled with.’ As Carl Annan shared: ‘I was sold, off to the car to go and get one, then I [saw] raisins, shed a few tears for ruining something otherwise so perfect and sat back down.’
Kayleigh Reddish also had very strong opinions on the filling, asking: ‘Who thought “Oh yes, all the yummy chocolate caramel etc, then oh I know let’s stick some rabbit craps in!!”
‘Should have stopped the child before they ruined it with those god awful shrivelled little nasty things!’
Katy Brown echoed this, posting: ‘Take them raisins out and it would be perfect.’ And Emma Kitchen added: ‘Sounded heavenly until raisins were mentioned.’
Others took issue with the fact that it was not a whole egg, as @gsladenyc posted: ‘I’m not loving the half egg idea – I prefer a full egg.’ And Chris King agreed, saying: ‘If it’s half egg then I’m only paying half price.’
But not everyone was upset by the inclusion of raisins in the filling, with many people still keen to give the Easter egg a try.
‘Sounds delicious,’ said, and Natasha Goodwin shared the sentiment, as she felt it looked ‘amazing’.
Rachel Lloyd-Jones admitted: ‘I love raisins with chocolate and [am] always sad at the lack of them in any bar, so I’m thrilled, even if it is just me.’
Thomas Holdsworth was surprised by the flurry of comments slamming the raisins, posting: ‘I never knew how many people hated raisins until reading this comment section. Raisins and chocolate are one of life’s greatest combinations.’
If you’re on the fence about trying the egg because of the raisins, one shopper who claims to have tried it felt that there was a bigger issue with the product than the dried fruit.
Ollie Jones shared a scathing review on Facebook, writing: ‘There was like five raisins in there, hardly any puffed rice or honeycomb and the caramel was so sickly, it really didn’t work at all, also the eggs on top are solid chocolate and they could of made these a bit more exciting. The cocoa nibs around the rim are vile! If you’re gonna add a decoration, make it worthwhile.. I’ve made better midnight snacks before.’
Michelle Jones disagreed though, stating that it was a ‘stunning egg’ and she ‘wasn’t disappointed’.
Her post read: ‘Absolutely stunning egg I just had to invest and wasn’t disappointed. It was taste sensational plus for all who hate raisins you couldn’t notice them due to all gooey ingredients – trust me go buy one.’
And on Instagram, @another_snack_reviewer was also a fan, calling it a ‘sweet tooth’s dream’ and a ‘very decadent egg’. They added: ‘There’s no scrimping on the caramel which I was very pleased about. Definitely worth a try and a reasonable price!’
So it seems even those who have actually tried the egg are well and truly divided over it. Is this the Marmite of the Easter egg world? Quite possibly…
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